The Kappa

Strange, aquatic yokai of Japanese folklore, kappa have long been blamed for the drowning of people and horses


Unique to the Scottish Borders region, redcaps are said to be violent, murderous goblins that lurk in the ruins of deserted castles

The Hodag

Amongst the strangest of the ‘fearsome critters’ of frontier folklore, a Wisconsin businessman claimed to have captured a live Hodag in 1896

The Beast of GĂ©vaudan

Over a three year period, a beast said to be impervious to bullets and able to walk on two legs like a man killed as many as 113 people in 18th century France


The idea of gnomes began with a type of earth elemental that appeared in 16th century alchemical theory, but modern sightings and even video footage have also emerged

Jenny Greenteeth

One of Lancashire’s many malicious creatures of folklore, Jenny Greenteeth lurks in duckweed-choked ponds waiting to drown the unwary