Blackpool’s Ship Graveyard

Blackpool’s golden sands have claimed many ships over the years, from a modern cargo ferry to a former Royal Navy flagship

Blackpool Ghosts

A rundown of six different tales of haunted locations across the Lancashire resort of Blackpool

The Abbeystead Disaster

During an organised visit to a pumping facility for villagers concerned with flooding, a huge explosion destroyed the facility

An Exorcism in Colne

The ghost of a young woman murdered by her lover was eventually exorcised by a Catholic priest

The Beast of Green Drive

In 2005, multiple witnesses described spotting a strange creature in the leafy suburbs of a Lancashire town

Jenny Greenteeth

One of Lancashire’s many malicious creatures of folklore, Jenny Greenteeth lurks in duckweed-choked ponds waiting to drown the unwary

The Devil’s Bridge

Dating back to 1370, this gritstone bridge is said to have been constructed by the Devil himself